Kotor 2 Handmaiden Or Disciple

Kotor 2 Handmaiden Or Disciple Average ratng: 7,0/10 4016 reviews

The only romance that happens in Kotor 2 is between your character and either Visas or Handmaiden(Male) and Atton or Disciple(Female). This happens near the end of the game as you go back to telos. Hand Maiden Kotor 2 Influence. Handmaiden 4 Females - Disciple 4 Males (1. The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod (TSLRCM) for Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic IIAllows you to pick Disciple and Handmaiden, whatever gender you may be, modifying the game to allow this to happen and not break.A KNIGHTS OF THE OLD REPUBLIC II: (THE SITH. I'm pretty sure that the Handmaiden can in fact learn them, but I believe it's based on her Jedi level, not her soldier level. So potentially you might want to wait before leveling her up. I dunno about Disciple. I never play as a female character, specifically because you get him instead of the Handmaiden.

' You are a lost pawn of the Republic, young one. You could possess been so much more, also with your widé-eyed innocence, yóur unsuspecting love for others.' ―, tó MicalMical, or ' thé Disciple', has been a who experienced served as a fór the in thé consequences of the. A experienced, he had been one of various tasked with attempting to get in touch with any remaining and persuade them to return to the RepubIic.

The Jedi ExiIe, encountered him during her trip to gather the, and he joined up with the team of the, perhaps due to the respect he had for her since his youngsters. He grew to become her casual, resuming the training he experienced begun in years as a child, and getting a. After his moves with Surik, he devoted himself to repairing the and would eventually sit down on the ré-established as á Master. He furthermore grew to become one of the Order's best historians. ' I imply he's all perfect, I imagine. He is like somebody who looks after too many holovids or teaches them.

He'd get defeated to loss of life on Nar Shaddaa simply because shortly as he arrived, though.' ― Early lifeMical had been a kid, possibly from a colony. He was delivered to the on to be trained in the methods of the. He became considerably enamored of Méetra Surik after shé taught his course of to hear sing within others. Evaluating her with Get better at, Mical sensed that while he has been knowledgeable, he had been not a organic leader or a mentor as has been Surik.By the period Mical arrived of age, the were raging. Many got gone to war against the wishes of the, including, and the Jédi that Mical had hoped would get him as a, Surik.

Soon few experts remained and by the time that Mical was prepared to start apprenticeship there has been no one particular still left who has been match to train him. He had been one of several who had been rejected the path of the Jédi at this period, in component owing to the doubts he has been having following the of his instructor, therefore he decided to serve the Republic rather. Reunion with Meetra Surik. ' Significantly has been recently ignored in current wars, and I fear that greater problems shall control from that reduction of understanding in the future. The damage of the ón near thé in the thé teachings of Professional, the escapades of on thé.

All these stuff are in danger of being lost forever.' ―MicalMical during his travels with Méetra Surik.In thé consequences of the, Mical had been one of the few who taken care of the distinction between the Jédi and thé. With the Jédi gone, he wanted to protect their background by learning their teachings and gathering artifacts. He acquired heard mention that one óf the Jedi got eliminated to, so he proceeded to go to the ruins of the Jédi Enclave, but found no trace of them.

He found Meetra Surik rather, who informed him of her research for the staying Jedi Experts, and made welcome his firm when Mical offered to use his knowledge and skills to her quest, which appeared compatible with his.Although history was Mical's specialty, he acquired some clinical training mainly because properly, and served as a surrogaté medic aboard thé. He furthermore trained Surik a yoga technique to renew her.At very first Mical had been not open about his previous involvement with the Jedi, nor do he provide out his accurate name, instead going by 'Disciple.'

After Surik acquired acquired his have confidence in, he confessed to getting met her as a young pupil at the Jédi Enclave, and informed of how his connection to the Push had washed out since then. Surik offered to train him in the methods of the Push, and he gladly accepted the present, getting her Padawan at final and consuming on the course of.As they journeyed together, Mical was incapable to conceal his feelings for Surik. Though like things were banned to Jedi, Mical believed that the Jedi teachings were essentially mistaken. He considered that the Jedi had been too eliminated from everyday lifestyle, and from the pretty things that made them living, feeling beings. Still, though he in no way refused his banned love fór Surik, it amounted tó little even more than flattery and blameless flirtation in the finish. This placed him at odds with, who also desired Surik'beds emotions.The Disciple.WhiIe aboard the Ebón Hawk, Mical taken care of clandestine communication with his Republic commanders, telling his accurate mission to no oné-even Surik herseIf.

When the party learned that had been on his method to, Mical sent a message to his Republic superiors warning them of the certain threat.Throughout the journey, Mical pored over details about Revan ánd the Sith, discriminating a pattern and strategy to Revan's i9000 episodes during the Jedi Civil War, and arriving to the distressing bottom line that Revan'beds surgical strikes against the Republic had been not intended to smash it into submission. Revan't tactics rather seemed even more in line with conquering the galaxy to combine it under a one banner, possibly against an hidden threat. Walked in on him simply as he acquired made this evaluation and ambushed him, forcing him to forget about his breakthroughs until she experienced the period was right for him to remember.After Surik fulfilled with the Authorities users, she divided herself from her friends. When she told Mical that the Council had educated her she had been unknowingly forcing her friends to adhere to her, Mical encouraged her. He told her that the council made that wisdom in world of one because they refused what produced them actual feeling creatures.

He also reassured her thát he and aIl her other companions were using her because they opted to. He implemented Surik to the end of their fight against the Sith.

He was later remaining behind when Surik started her journey to find Revan. Famous Jédi HistorianAfter her beat at the fingers of Surik, Kreia offered to reveal her eyesight into the future. She predicted that Mical would spend himself to rebuilding the, and would ultimately one day sit down on the brand-new, though 'reluctantly, as all great men perform.' Kreia's i9000 vision was proven best, as Grasp Mical was regarded as as one of the biggest Jedi Historians during the period of the. His legacy had been the archive he founded in the, which would end up being discovered by adventurers ánd archaeologists, and wouId be recovered and provided to the Jedi Order.from. Behind the scenesMical has been voiced by.The Disciple appears in cutscenes on Dantooine regardless of the player's sex, but he will be only accessible to join the participant's celebration if the main character is usually feminine (man Exile is instead became a member of by, the Handmaiden, very much earlier in the sport).

Surik provides a opportunity to train Mical, making him a Jédi Consular. (In thé small set, the shape resembles Mical although no specific name can be given.)Throughout the sport, he is definitely only referred to as 'Disciple'; the name Mical is mentioned only if the Exile will be male-during Mical'beds conversation with (or if Revan can be arranged to become dark earlier in the video game; however, the Mical-Cede conversation is bugged, as Cede's i9000 hologram does not display and Mical is usually talking to clear space). This cutscene will not be noticed by the female Surik, since Mical provides already became a member of her celebration, and consequently his name will not really be noticed by the player. In the MMO participants with the team skill of Archaeology can deliver their companion to explore Mical's i9000 legacy.Alternate between dark side endingDisciple't dark side portrait.If Meetra Surik comes after the path of the darkish part (and is certainly feminine), Mical will stick to her and Dárth Traya will estimate that he will depart all beliefs of the Jedi and instead spend himself to national politics, becoming a smart and regular yet chilly of a Middle Edge colony (similar of ). His darkish image, as observed to the still left, shows his blond tresses growing gray, and his eye are the yellowish colour of a Sith. Mical furthermore if provides enough impact with Surik can be qualified to end up being a Darkish Jedi Consular.At some point in the first version of the darkish side story Mical had been intended to become infected by, who experienced been corrupted by the dark aspect. He was also expected to direct Surik to hidden Jedi ánd Sith.

Like á lot of some other articles, these ideas never produced it into the last game, although they exist in the game files.Alternate between masculine Surik endingAfter getting together with Surik in thé enclave, Mical returned to and waited for the next transport off Dantooine. While still on the globe, he contacted Admiral Carth Onasi and documented that he had discovered Surik, whom the Admiral experienced been attempting to track down since hé escaped. It can be feasible that after Surik remaining known area, Mical has been qualified to end up being a Jedi whén the Jedi Order started to reconstruct.Appearances.

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Kotor 2 handmaiden or disciples

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